Poker Terms Definitions Poker Glossary of Terms. Action1 Opportunity to act. If a player appears not to realize its his turn, the dealer will say Your action, sir. Bets and raises. If a third heart hits the board and theres a lot of action, you have to assume that somebody has made the flush. Ante. A small portion of a bet contributed by each player to seed the pot at the beginning of a poker hand. Most holdem games do not have an ante they use blinds to get initial money into the pot. All In. To run out of chips while betting or calling. In table stakes games, a player may not go into his pocket for more money during a hand. If he runs out, a side pot is created in which he has no interest. However, he can still win the pot for which he had the chips. Example Poor Bob. He made quads against the big full house, but he was all in on the second bet. Backdoor. Catching both the turn and river card to make a drawing hand. For instance, suppose you have A 7 The flop comes A 6  4. You bet and are called. The turn is the T, which everybody checks, and then the river is the J . Youve made a backdoor nut flush. See also runner. Bad Beat. To have a hand that is a large underdog beat a heavily favored hand. Ace Spade Poker Software' title='Ace Spade Poker Software' />Ace Spade Poker SoftwareSpades is a tricktaking card game devised in the United States in the 1930s. It can be played as either a partnership or solocutthroat game. Click here to jump down the page to view all software in this category. As a poker player, one of the most important programs you can use is tracking and analysis. REI. Ace Spade Poker Software' title='Ace Spade Poker Software' />Presents weblog, lessons and teaching materials. Includes online playing recommendations and book and software reviews. The privacy dashboard. To use everything on this website, turn on cookies in your browser settings. S Name Year Publisher Lan Memory Type Sabbie di Marte Ita 48 Arc Sabian Island 1988 Skyslip. Kilauea Mount Etna Mount Yasur Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira Piton de la Fournaise Erta Ale. Origins and history of Gin Rummy, one of a series of articles on card game histories and historic card games by David Parlett. AMENDMENTS TO THE PAYMENT OF GRATUITY ACT, 19722. The Payment of Gratuity Amendment Bill, 2009 as passed by both the Houses of Parliament has amended the definition. It is generally used to imply that the winner of the pot had no business being in the pot at all, and it was the wildest of luck that he managed to catch the one card in the deck that would win the pot. We wont give any examples you will hear plenty of them during your poker career. Bet. The first chips placed in the pot on any street. Pre flop, the small blind would be classified as the first bet. Big Blind. The larger of the two blinds typically used in a holdem game. The big blind is normally a full first round bet. See also blind and small blind. Blank. A board card that doesnt seem to affect the standings in the hand. If the flop is A J T , then a turn card of 2 would be considered a blank. On the other hand, the 2 would not be. Blind. A forced bet or partial bet put in by one or more players before any cards are dealt. Typically, blinds are put in by players immediately to the left of the button. See also live blind. Bluff. To bet or raise holding a hand you believe to be weaker than that of your opponent, with the intention of getting them to fold their stronger hand. Board. All the community cards in a holdem game the flop, turn, and river cards together. Example There wasnt a single heart on the board. Bottom Pair. A pair with the lowest card on the flop. If you have A  6, and the flop comes K T 6 , you have flopped bottom pair. Burn. To discard the top card from the deck, face down. This is done between each betting round before putting out the next community cards. It is security against any player recognizing or glimpsing the next card to be used on the board. Button. A white acrylic disk that indicates the nominal dealer. Also used to refer to the player on the button. Example Oh, the button raised. Buy1 As in buy the pot. To bluff, hoping to buy the pot without being called. As in buy the button. To bet or raise, hoping to make players between you and the button fold, thus allowing you to act last on subsequent betting rounds. Glossary courtesy of Winning Low Limit Holdem by Lee Jones. Call. To put into the pot an amount of money equal to the most recent bet or raise. The term see as in Ill see that bet is considered colloquial. Calling Station. A weak passive player who calls a lot, but doesnt raise or fold much. This is the kind of player you like to have in your game. Cap. To put in the last raise permitted on a betting round. This is typically the third or fourth raise. Dealers in California are fond of saying Capitola or Cappuccino. Case. The last card of a certain rank in the deck. Example The flop came J 8 3 Ive got pocket jacks, hes got pocket 8s, and then the case eight falls on the river, and he beats my full house. Center Pot. The first pot created during a poker hand, as opposed to one or more side pots created if one or more players goes all in. Also main pot. Check. To not bet, with the option to call or raise later in the betting round. Equivalent to betting zero dollars. Ball Pool Game Pc. Another word for chip, as in poker chip. Check Raise. To check and then raise when a player behind you bets. Occasionally you will hear people say this is not fair or ethical poker. Piffle. Almost all casinos permit check raising, and it is an important poker tactic. It is particularly useful in low limit holdem where you need extra strength to narrow the field if you have the best hand. Cold Call. To call more than one bet in a single action. For instance, suppose the first player to act after the big blind raises. Now any player acting after that must call two bets cold. This is different from calling a single bet and then calling a subsequent raise. Come Hand A drawing hand probably from the craps term. Community Cards. Cards that are presented face up in the middle of the poker table and shared among players in games like Holdem and Omaha. These are also referred to as board cards or the board. Complete Hand. A hand that is defined by all five cards a straight, flush, full house or straight flush. Connector. A holdem starting hand in which the two cards are one apart in rank. Examples KQs, 7. Counterfeit. To make your hand less valuable because of board cards that duplicate it. Example you have 8. T J, so you have a straight. Now an 8 comes on the turn. This has counterfeited your hand and made it almost worthless. Crack. To beat a hand typically a big hand. You hear this most often applied to pocket aces Third time tonight Ive had pocket aces cracked. Cripple. As in to cripple the deck. Meaning that you have most or all of the cards that somebody would want to have with the current board. If you have pocket kings, and the other two kings flop, you have crippled the deck. Dealer. The player in a poker game who actually or theoretically is dealing the cards. When a professional dealer casino or cardroom or automated dealer online is present it is necessary to identify the player who would be dealing the cards because the blinds and the betting action are to the left of the dealer. This is done by utilizing a marker called a dealer button which travels around the table in a clockwise manner, moving to the next player after each hand is completed. Dog. Shortened form of underdog. Dominated Hand. A hand that will almost always lose to a better hand that people usually play. For instance, K3 is dominated by KQ. With the exception of strange flops e. X, K 3 X, it will always lose to KQ. Draw. To play a hand that is not yet good, but could become so if the right cards come. Example Im not there yet Im drawing. Also used as a noun. Example I have to call because I have a good draw. Draw Dead. Trying to make a hand that, even if made, will not win the pot. If youre drawing to make a flush, and your opponent already has a full house, you are drawing dead. Of course, this is a bad condition to be in. Glossary courtesy of Winning Low Limit Holdem by Lee Jones. Equity. Your rightful share of a pot. If the pot contains 8. This term is somewhat fanciful since you will either win 8. Expectation1 The amount you expect to gain on average if you make a certain play. For instance, suppose you put 1. Three out of four times, you do not make your draw, and lose 1. The fourth time, you will make your draw, winning 5. English Patch For Taimanin Asagi more.

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