The Links, Incorporated. For more information about the International Trends and. Services facet, please contact itslinksinc. Corruption is a risk when doing business in South Africa, especially in the public procurement sector. Anticorruption laws are not well enforced. Since Nelson Mandela and the communist African National Congress ANC took over South Africa, more than 70,000 whites have been murdered and untold numbers have been. Reviewing of the current EMIA guidelines Trade and Investment South Africa TISA is reviewing the current EMIA guidelines in consultation with relevant industries. The mission of the International Trends and. Services facet is to expand the global platform for programs designed and. Advantages Of Wireshark Tool more. African descent throughout the world. All programmatic components of. The foremost goal of the International Trends. Services facet is to provide opportunities for tangible service in other. Our boots on the ground approach provides for more personalized. THE LINKS, INCORPORATED DELEGATION TO LIBERIA AND GHANA. For more information about the International Trends and Services facet, please contact itslinksinc. The mission of the International Trends and Services facet. Is South Africa safe Especially for women traveling alone That was a question that I had often wondered, that I continued to ponder while traveling, and that I. Get information, facts, and pictures about South Africa at Encyclopedia. Make research projects and school reports about South Africa easy with credible articles. Black Empowerment Program South Africa' title='Black Empowerment Program South Africa' />The Links, Incorporated is committed to expanding its global presence and will embark on a journey to Liberia and Ghana in February 2. We look to broaden our International Trends and Services platform for programs designed to service the educational, health and cultural needs of people of African descent. During our visit to Liberia and Ghana, we will demonstrate our commitment to enriching and sustaining the cultural and economic survival of people of African ancestry, through friendship and service. While spending 1. West Africa, members of The Links, Incorporated will Visit Liberian schools adopted by The Links, Incorporated School for the Blind, Ann Sandell School, and AME University. Witness the dedication ceremony of The Links Maternal Waiting Home. Explore the history and culture of African villages in Liberia and Ghana. Walk through Kakum National Park in Accra, Ghana. Tour historic landmarks SIGNATURE PROGRAM Education Across the Miles. Since 1. 99. 6, The Links, Incorporated has built. South Africa, successfully making a direct and significant. Iv AccountAbIlIty In PublIc ServIceS In South AfrIcA Provider choice and user fees or copayments 60 Participatory local government budgeting and development planning 61. African students and families. Contact. with these schools continues today as The Links, Incorporated positions. Skills for Business Development, Inc. It is a national presentation skills company and distant learning institution that excels at defining. Liberia, West Africa the Todee School. AME University, the School for the Blind, and the Ann Sandell School. Through. in kind donations, monetary support, and the lending of professional expertise. Liberian educational system which was decimated by many years of. NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION NGO PROGRAM. INITIATIVES Model UNThe Links, Incorporated and its NGO representative. United Nations, have worked diligently to produce a strong and cohesive. United Nations. The Model UN program. Historically Black Colleges. Universities, as well as other institutions of higher learning, to become. Students are invited to special events sponsored. The Links, Incorporated and are encouraged to become involved in international. United Nations. This programs goal is to provide. Through. the Model UN program, students are given the opportunity to research and. Links International Foreign Affairs and Business. Empowerment for Youth LIFE Program The LIFE program is designed to expose minority. Foreign Service appointments. Chapters of The Links, Incorporated partner with local high school, college. The LIFE program curriculum is. Howard University Summer Enrichment program. Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center. LIFE program alumnae. Howard University Summer Enrichment program if. Each year. nearly 4. Linking with Haiti Womens Survival Kits. The Links Incorporated provides outreach to. Haiti who were affected by the devastating 2. Womens Survival Kits. This initiative provides. Haitian community. With the supplies. Haiti so they can preserve their dignity. Each kit assembled by members. The Links, Incorporated contains fundamental items, such as toothbrushes. SAFE MOTHERHOOD INITIATIVE Maternal Waiting Home. For years, The Links, Incorporated has been a leader in providing service to people of African descent in the United States, the Bahamas, Haiti and Africa. The International Trends and Services facet looks to continue this tradition and expand the presence of The Links, Incorporated abroad with emphasis on safe motherhood programs. These programs address the issues of clean and safe deliveries, essential obstetric care, and preventable death and disability among mothers, expectant mothers and newborns. In 2. 00. 3, The Links, Incorporated partnered with the World Health Organization to reestablish the Uganda Ministry of Healths Maama Kit program. Chapters raised and donated funds to support the assembly and distribution of clean birth kits in Uganda. Today, The Links, Incorporated transitions its focus to the most pressing needs of women and children in Liberia, which has one of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in Sub Saharan Africa. With the dire need for adequate maternalchild health care in Liberia, the International Trends and Services facet carries on its maternalchild health focus through the construction of a Maternal Waiting Home in rural Bong County. Maternal Waiting Homes allow pregnant women who live in remote areas, where medical facilities and trained medical professionals are not available, to come to a clean and safe environment in anticipation of their deliveries. The Maternal Waiting Home program in Liberia helps to alleviate the complications and health issues for mothers and newborns that are the result of deliveries not assisted by trained medical professionals. The Links, Incorporated will also provide postnatal. Mama Kits containing essential items for mothers and newborns. South Africas New White Flight. No one should be surprised to read that Zimbabwe has suffered massive emigration in recent years, especially among its white minority. But much less expected is the fact that next door South Africa, the continents wealthiest and most developed country, is suffering a brain drain of its own if on a smaller scale. The South African government doesnt keep reliable emigration statistics. But even as the global financial crisis has caused emigration from most other countries to slow, a number of recent independent studies show that mass departures from South Africa are ongoing and are sapping the nation of its skilled and best educated young citizens. The most dramatic figures can be found among South African whites, who are leaving at a pace consistent with the advent of widespread disease, mass natural disasters or large scale civil conflict, according to a report by the South African Institute on Race Relations. Some 8. 00,0. 00 out of a total white population of 4 million have left since 1. But theyre hardly alone. Blacks, coloreds as people of mixed race are known in South Africa and Indians are also expressing the desire to leave. In the last 1. 2 years, the number of blacks graduating in South Africa with advanced degrees has grown from 3. But in that time the number of those expressing high hopes to emigrate has doubled. This wasnt supposed to happen. In many ways, the new South Africa has lived up to its promise of racial harmony and equitable development its enlightened Constitution, progressive economic policies, and wealth of human and natural resources have all kept it relatively stable since apartheid was swept away in 1. But that stability could be jeopardized if its human capital keeps leaving at the current rate. South Africa has undergone massive swings in emigration for decades, including since the end of white rule. The shifts can be linked to changes in political stability and economic opportunity, as well as less worrisome factors like simple wanderlust. And all these same factors are at work now, but theyve been accentuated by a violent crime epidemic, serious political upheaval and economic globalization. A poll conducted last May among 6. We are now seeing a new tipping point for an exodus, warned another report from Future Fact, a polling agency. But this time its across the board in terms of race. Keep up with this story and more by subscribing now. The primary driver for emigration among all groups, but especially whites, who still retain the majority of South Africas wealth, is fear of crime. With more than 5. South Africa has one of the highest per capita murder rates in the world. The same goes for raperanking the country alongside conflict zones such as Sierra Leone, Colombia and Afghanistan. Future Fact polling indicates that more than 9. South Africa rate violent crime as the single most important factor affecting their thinking. Lynette Chen, the ethnic Chinese CEO of Nepad Business Group, is the only member of her family left in South Africa. Her parents departed in 2. Her brother, also a victim of crime, followed suit shortly thereafter. Theyre always getting homesick, she says. But they wont come back unless the crime is reduced. Another largely unnoticed problem is the growing number of attacks on South Africas white farmers. As in neighboring Zimbabwe, some of the attacks appear to be racially motivated. Others seem simply opportunistic, but the result is that white farmers numbers continue to decrease, leading to fears that despite the governments good intentions, a Zimbabwe style crisiswhere the flight of skilled farmers led to an agricultural collapseis possible here too. Then theres the problem of affirmative action, which many whites feel limits their opportunities for advancement and which keeps many migrs from returning. You can attract people home, but there are still the same concerns when they get here, Chen says. Crime and lack of job opportunities if youre not the right color. Still another factor driving out citizens of all races is the countrys political crisis. National elections are due in April, and the likely next president, Jacob Zuma, faces a battery of serious corruption charges and accusations of autocratic behavior. Zumas ruling ANC party has been split by a rebellion of former loyalists, and increasing numbers of South Africans express concern with the health of their young democracy. The leadership vacuum has also distracted attention from pressing national concerns like energy. Last spring the country was engulfed in rolling brownouts as the electric grid ground to a halt because of mismanagement. For all these reasons, even the global economic slowdown hasnt been enough to keep qualified South Africans at home. Of the countrys 2. Engineers, doctors, nurses and accountants are all in increasingly short supply. In February, Health Minister Barbara Hogan said South Africas doctors are constantly being poached by places like Canada, Australia and the United Statesamong the most popular destinations for wealthy white migrs. Banks and investment companies are forced to look for talent overseas, and Eskom, the disgraced national electricity provider, has recently begun scrambling to attract electrical engineers back home, but with little success. The long term effects of this exodus are already being felt in other critical ways. The vast majority of South Africas emigrants are also the countrys best and brightest. Compounding the problem is the fact that while South Africa has lenient policies toward admitting refugees from elsewhere in Africa, the import of skilled labor is still quite onerousmeaning that as more and more trained workers leave, there are fewer and fewer replacements. Pretoria needs new policies to balance these flows, says Debbie Milner of Future Fact. Africa has a huge amount of skilled people in it, and many other African countries have better education systems than our own. To succeed, post racial South Africa also needs to move nonwhite professionals quickly up the ranks in all sectors of its economy, and the governments black empowerment plan centers on ensuring that more of its citizens get advanced degrees. But as growing numbers of these graduates express a desire to follow their white colleagues out the door, the prospects for continued economic empowerment are dimming. We were dumbfounded by the incredibly high numbers of people who claim theyre seriously considering leaving South Africa, Milner says. While unemployment for whites has increased more than 1. European country, between 7 percent and 8 percent. Joblessness among blacks, on the other hand, is hovering at around 5. If the qualified nonwhites are leaving too, that is pretty dire for black economic empowerment, Milner says. To be fair, not all the signs point in one direction. The global economic downturn has led to anecdotal reports of South Africans returning from the once hot economies of Europe and North America. Others who were recently on the verge of leaving have now decided to stay put, in some cases when their offers were rescinded at the last moment. I dont dispute that people have leftI just dispute the high figures, says Martine Schaffer of the Homecoming Revolution, an NGO that helps returnees with logistical difficulties and to get reacquainted with a country that may have changed significantly in their absence.

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