Download the WildTangent Games App on your PC or Android mobile device to enjoy thousands of the newest and most popular games. Play full version games for free. Mp3 Rocket Portable on this page. Wild. Tangent Games Should I Remove It What is Wild. Tangent Games Wild. Tangent game network powers game services for several PC manufacturers including HP, Dell, Toshiba, Gateway, Samsung, Acer and Sony VAIO. Wild. Tangents catalog includes over 1,5. Approximately 3. 0 of the games in the Wild. Tangent catalog were produced by the companys own Wild. Chuzzle Deluxe Mobile Game Free Download' title='Chuzzle Deluxe Mobile Game Free Download' />Tangent Game Studios. The rest of the games on the Wild. Tangent game network are from other game developers and publishers. Zuma is a tilematching puzzle video game published by PopCap Games. It can be played for free online at several Web sites, and can be purchased for a number of. Mall World which the company has represented to integrate major brands. About  from Wild. TangentDownload the Wild. Tangent Games App on your PC or Android mobile device to enjoy thousands of the newest and most popular games. Play full version games for free. Pogo is a great place to play free online games, including puzzle games, word games, and card games and the chance to Win Big Prizes Play Online Mahjong Safari, puzzle games, and other free online games at Pogo. The best collection of idle games, free online games, strategy games, puzzle games, adventure games and much more. Use Wild. Coins to rent or buy games and in game items. Overview. It is typically pre installed with most new Hewlett Packard computers. The most common release is 1. Upon being installed, the software adds a Windows Service which is designed to run continuously in the background. Manually stopping the service has been seen to cause the program to stop functing properly. It adds a background controller service that is set to automatically run. Delaying the start of this service is possible through the service manager. A scheduled task is added to Windows Task Scheduler in order to launch the program at various scheduled times the schedule varies depending on the version. The primary executable is named wtap. The setup package generally installs about 2. KB 6. 56,0. 48 bytes. This program is pre installed on the PCPre installed software such as this is usually included by default on the manufacturers PC. Many OEM original equipment manufacture software that is included with a new PC is useful and in many cases required for the PC to function properly as in the case of various software drivers. However, some pre installed software is optional and can be safely removed. Wild. Tangent Games is typically pre installed with Dell computers. Some users and experts alike have reported that this program is considered bloatware or bundleware. Such software is optional and can be safely removed if you do not utilize the features of the progam. It is usually licensed for use only on the Dell PC on which it was pre installed. It is often time or functionally lite version limited for Dell computers. If you do not use this program you might consider remvoing it as it often consumes system resources, even if not actively being run, adversely affecting system responsiveness. Program details. URL support. Installation folder C Program FilesTOSHIBA Games. Uninstaller C Program FilesTOSHIBA GamesUninstall. Estimated size 6. KBFiles installed by Wild. Tangent Games. Program module wtap. Name Wild Games. Path C Program FilesTOSHIBA GamesBallistikwtap. MD5 ce. 40. 1b. 5a. Additional files. Wild. Tangent Uninstaller. Cons. Hk. dll Cons. Hk Dynamic Link Library. Game Explorer Categories Installer for Game Explorer Categories. GDF. dll Wild. Tangent GDF DLL Wild. Tangent GDF Helper. WTA c. 95. 7c. 7d. WIRE Atom Installer WIRE installer for PRODUCTCODENAME. Game. Console wt. Game Console Game. Console. Game. Console wt. DRM0. 30. 2. dll DRM3 Module Wild. Tangent DRM Module. Game. Console. Service. Game. Console Game. Console. Service. Uninstaller. WTHk. WTHk. help. exe 1. FATE help launcher. WT. exe Aloha Tri. Peaks. Bejeweled 2 Deluxe WT. Bejeweled 2 Deluxe. Bejeweled. 2 WT. WT. Bejeweled 3. Blackhawk. WT. Blackhawk Striker 2. WT. exe Build a lot 2. Buildalot. 3 WT. Build a lot 3. Cake Mania WT. Cake Mania. Chuzzle Deluxe WT. Chuzzle Deluxe. Faerie Solitaire Oberon WT. Faerie Solitaire. WT. exe Farmscapes. Fate WT. exe FATE. GHScrabble WT. exe Scrabble. WT. exe Polar Golfer. Insaniquarium Deluxe WT. Insaniquarium Deluxe. Jewel. Quest. 3 WT. Jewel Quest 3. jewelquestsolitaire. WT. exe Jewel Quest Solitaire 2. JQSolitaire. 3 WT. Jewel Quest Solitaire 3. Monopoly. PB WT. Monopoly. Mystery P. I. The London Caper WT. Mystery P. I. The London Caper. WT. exe Penguins Plants vs. Zombies WT. Plants vs. Zombies. WT. exe Plants vs. Zombies Game of the Year. Polar WT. exe Polar Bowler. Racing WT. exe Final Drive Nitro. SCRABBLE PLUS WT. Scrabble Plus. Slingo Deluxe WT. Slingo Deluxe. Virtual Families WT. Virtual Families. WT. exe Virtual Villagers 4 The Tree of Life. Wheel Of Fortune WT. Wheel of Fortune 2. WTDownloader. exe WTDownloader. Yahtzee WT. exe Yahtzee. Zuma Deluxe WT. exe Zuma Deluxe. Zumas Revenge WT. Zumas Revenge. Zuma WT. Behaviors exhibited. Scheduled Tasks. Bejeweled 2 Deluxe WT. ABD5. DDBF 4. 34. EB B4. 7C E5. ACC1. E2. 15. D6 runs on registration. Insaniquarium Deluxe WT. AC0. 4A7. 03 8. 02. C 4. B2. 3 8. 44. D 6. 17. 40. 42. AF8. English Patch For Taimanin Asagi. D3 runs on registration. WTDownloader. exe is scheduled as a task with the class 4. A9. 9F7. BB C3. 0A 4. AE4. 0 4. 64. C2. AF9. 9D2. C runs on registration. Penguins WT. exe is scheduled as a task with the class D6. BF5. 9B3 8. 27. 4 4. EC7 8. 89. 4 A6. C3. B7. 10 runs on registration. Game. Console wt. B9. 80. 4DC2 DF7. A9. 5 A6. 8E 7. D9. B4. 4 runs on registration. Service. Game. Console. Service. exe runs as a service named Game. Console. Service Game. Console. Service Game. Console management services. How do I remove Wild. Tangent Games Quickly and completely remove Wild. Tangent Games from your computer by downloading Should I Remove It, its 1. FREE and installs in seconds click the button below. Or, you can uninstall Wild. Tangent Games from your computer by using the AddRemove Program feature in the Windows Control Panel. On the Start menu for Windows 8, right click the screens bottom left corner, click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following Windows Vista78 Click Uninstall a Program. Windows XP Click Add or Remove Programs. When you find the program Wild. Tangent Games, click it, and then do one of the following Windows Vista78 Click Uninstall. Windows XP Click the Remove or ChangeRemove tab to the right of the program. Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove Wild. Tangent Games. OS VERSIONSWin 8 7. Win 7 0 HOW IT RUNSWindows Service YesInstalls a service USER ACTIONSUninstall it 2. Keep it 7. 7Windows. Which Windows OS versions does it run onWindows 8. Windows 7. 26. 8. Windows Vista. 1. Windows XP0. 1. 5Windows 8. Which OS releases does it run on Windows 8. Windows 7 Home Premium. Windows 8. 13. 5. Windows 1. 0 Home. Windows 8. 1 Connected. Windows 8. 1 Single Langua. Geography. 65. 4. United States. Which countries install it  United States. United Kingdom. 6. Canada. 3. 9. 0  Australia. France. 2. 2. 6  Italy. Germany. 2. 0. 6  Brazil. Netherlands. 0. 9. India. 0. 7. 6  Belgium. Sweden. 0. 7. 2  New Zealand. Mexico. 0. 5. 4PC manufacturers. What PC manufacturers OEMs have it installed Hewlett Packard. Toshiba. 25. 7. 2Acer. Dell. 7. 6. 0ASUS5. Samsung. 5. 1. 6Sony. Common models. HP 1. Notebook PC6. 6. 6HP 2. Notebook PC6. 0. 3HP Pavilion 1. Arch Linux Install Apk'>Arch Linux Install Apk. Notebook P. 5. 0. HP Pavilion g. 6 Notebook P. HP Pavilion 1. 7 Notebook P. HP Pavilion g. 7 Notebook P. About Wild. Tangent. Wild. Tangent provides branded game services for several PC manufacturers including Toshiba, Gateway, Samsung, HP, Dell, Acer and Sony VAIO. Publisher URL www.

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