What Makes an Artificial Intelligence Racist and Sexist. Artificial intelligence is infiltrating our daily lives, with applications that curate your phone pics, manage your email, and translate text from any language into another. Google, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft are all heavily researching how to integrate AI into their major services. Soon youll likely interact with an AI or its output every time you pick up your phone. Should you trust it Not always. AI can analyze data more quickly and accurately than humans, but it can also inherit our biases. Hi guys, I have an Asus X45C laptop about 10 months old. Yesterday I finished watching a movie with very little battery left, so I closed the lid, put it away and. To learn, it needs massive quantities of data, and the easiest way to find that data is to feed it text from the internet. But the internet contains some extremely biased language. A Stanford study found that an internet trained AI associated stereotypically white names with positive words like love, and black names with negative words like failure and cancer. Luminoso Chief Science Officer Rob Speer oversees the open source data set Concept. Net Numberbatch, which is used as a knowledge base for AI systems. He tested one of Numberbatchs data sources and found obvious problems with their word associations. I had a similar issue. I knew it was a hardware issue so disconnected everything except usb dongle for wireless keyboardmouse. Couldnt resolve even after wasting a. I was looking for the latest HBCD and then I found this one Hirens Boot CD 16. Learn how to create a multiboot USB flash drive with Windows xp, Windows 7, windows 8, Vista, Linux, Linux LiveCD,Ubantu, Antivirus Rescue CD, Hirens and. Hirens BootCD is a definate go to for any IT professional that quickly wants to get the job DONE. I have never seen any thing better for fixing broken windows. SAFE hard drive recovery steps to SAVE money. We give Tech advice not sell our own data recovery service or software we assess help you with those for your. When fed the analogy question Man is to woman as shopkeeper is to. It similarly associated women with sewing and cosmetics. While these associations might be appropriate for certain applications, they would cause problems in common AI tasks like evaluating job applicants. An AI doesnt know which associations are problematic, so it would have no problem ranking a womans rsum lower than an identical rsum from a man. Similarly, when Speer tried building a restaurant review algorithm, it rated Mexican food lower because it had learned to associate Mexican with negative words like illegal. So Speer went in and de biased Concept. Net. He identified inappropriate associations and adjusted them to zero, while maintaining appropriate associations like manuncle and womanaunt. He did the same with words related to race, ethnicity, and religion. To fight human bias, it took a human. Numberbatch is the only semantic database with built in de biasing, Speer says in an email. Hes happy for this competitive advantage, but he hopes other knowledge bases will follow suit This is the threat of AI in the near term. Its not some sci fi scenario where robots take over the world. Its AI powered services making decisions we dont understand, where the decisions turn out to hurt certain groups of people. The scariest thing about this bias is how invisibly it can take over. According to Speer, some people will go through life not knowing why they get fewer opportunities, fewer job offers, more interactions with the police or the TSA. Of course, he points out, racism and sexism are baked into society, and promising technological advances, even when explicitly meant to counteract them, often amplify them. Theres no such thing as an objective tool built on subjective data. So AI developers bear a huge responsibility to find the flaws in their AI and address them. There should be more understanding of whats real and whats hype, Speer says. How to create and run the Hirens BootCD 15. USB thumb drive in Ubuntu 12. Linux Duration 1859. Richard Lloyd 35,505 views. Hirens Boot Cd Usb Stick' title='Hirens Boot Cd Usb Stick' />Its easy to overhype AI because most people dont have the right metaphors to understand it yet, and that stops people from being appropriately skeptical. Theres no AI that works like the human brain, he says. To counter the hype, I hope we can stop talking about brains and start talking about whats actually going on its mostly statistics, databases, and pattern recognition. Which shouldnt make it any less interesting. How to fix a MissingCorrupt SYSTEM file in Windows XP without the Recovery CDThis tutorial aims to teach you how to fix a corrupt or missing SYSTEM file in windows XP without the use of the recovery CD. I spent 6 hours round a friends house yesterday and finally came up with a solution that worked. Today, I want to share what Ive learnt to help other folks get round this fairly common issue without the grief I had to go through Disclaimer I am not a computer repair technician. Just a computer geek sharing a solution that worked for me. Continue at your own risk, I take no responsibility whatsoever what happens. Always back up, and if youre not sure, dont proceed. Ok, lets get started. Teraterm Script Serial Port here. UPDATE one of the readers suggested i highlight earlier on that this solution will only work if you have a restore point on your machine. Im pretty certain the machine that i fixed never had a manual system restore made and therefore, in my opinion, its worth trying even if you cant remember doing so manually. I cannot confirm 1. XP, but i know later Windows OS take automatic restore points when significant system events such as the installation of a program or device driver occur. Given the number of restore points found on the machine i was working on, i can only assume that this is too the case for Windows XP. Some readers have also mentioned that in some cases viruses may have delete these restore points, so i guess its a case of take a look and hope for the best Please note though, if there are no restore points when you look the only option is to try and get hold of the CD. Below is a break down of the key sections of this post. Id recommend you read the whole thing to make sure you get the best understanding of what has happened and how to fix. But, if you just want the solution click below. What is the SYSTEM file In XP and why has it stopped my machine working The SYSTEM file on your computer is one of a collection of files that stores registry information about your computers configuration and set up. All XP machines have this file stored in the following location along with a number of other key config files such as SOFTWARE, SECURITY, SAM and DEFAULT. C WindowsSystem. If youve received the message below when trying to boot into windows then its more than likely that something has happened to corrupt the file or its missing from the System. Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt WINDOWSSYSTEM3. CONFIGSYSTEMYou can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original setup CD Rom. Select r at the first screen to start repair. How did this happen There are many reasons why this could have happened. For example, you might have forced a hard shutdown at the wrong time which is what happened in the scenario I was dealing with consequently the file has become corrupted and Windows is no longer able to boot because of this. As the screenshot and error message above describe, the default approach to resolve is is to use the recovery console in the Windows XP installation disc, but what if you havent got the Windows XP CDI spent a long time searching for the answer to this without any luck. My solution aims to  provide you with a quick and relatively easy way to resolve the problem without the XP CD or Recovery Console. Why do you need the recovery disc in the first place From my understanding, the XP disc allows you to boot into the recovery console and use the command line to copy an olderstable version of the SYSTEM file over the corrupt or missing version. Without the XP CD youll find yourself completely stuck though, as you have no way to access the DOScommand prompt and copy the back up into the system. Note If you have the XP CD, i suggest reading Microsofts official solution on How to Recover a corrupted registry that prevents Windows XP from starting as this may be quicker and easier solution for you. How to fix the SYSTEM file without the Windows XP Recovery Disc. To summarize, my solution aims to get round this problem by Creating a bootable version of Linux on a USB stick if youve never used or heard of Linux, dont worry, its not as scary as it sounds Linux is a safe place, trust Boot into Linux to get access to the files on the hard disc in this instance the Ubuntu Linux DistributionFind the broken SYSTEM and SOFTWARE files. Find the most recent working backups of the SYSTEM and SOFTWARE files. Overwrite the corrupt files using the Linux Interface no need to have to use DOS commands like with the recovery CD method Reboot back into Windows XP using most recently known working version of the SYSTEM file. In total, this process should take about 4. Linux distribution. Before you start, you are going to need the following A PC that works An Internet connection. Visual Studio Customer Experience Improvement Program: Full Version Software. A USB stick at least 2. GB in size. A copy of Unetbootin. Step one Create a  USB Boot disk with Linux using Unetbootin. Go to unetbootin. Unetbootin. The software is free, safe and will do all the hard work of downloading Linux and mounting it onto a USB hustle free. FYI In this example i am using Ubuntu. MAKE 1. 00 SURE THAT THE DRIVE YOU MOUNT THE LINUX DISTRIBUTION ON IS THE USB DRIVE. OTHERWISE YOULL END UP WRITING OVER SOMETHING YOU REALLY DONT WANT TO Step two Boot into Linux off the USBNow Shut down your machine and then turn it back on whilst pressing the function key that allows you to choose your boot options on my machine this is F1. If your not sure, you should see the this in the POST startup screen when you first power up the machine. Select USB device in boot device menu. Note, on some systems you may need to go into your BIOS and select the option of booting into a USB device. Heres a screenshot of where this is on my machine yours might be slightly differentWhen the option prompt appears, Select the USB Device option and press enter. If all goes to plan the machine will then proceed to boot into Linux. When Ubuntu is loaded you may get a message that says Try Ubuntu and another for Install Ubuntu. Just click the Try Ubuntu button and then it will complete loading to the desktop environment. Click Try UbuntuStep three locating the System. Navigate to WindowsSystem. Config folder. Use the built in file browser to navigate to the location of WINDOWS on the hard drive. Follow the screenshot below to help find this. You will essentially be looking for what would have been in the following location in WINDOWS C WINDOWSsystem. Once you find the config folder you will see copies of all the files including the all important SYSTEM file. Next we need to open a new window and find a copy of the the most recent backups of these system files which is stored in a folder called System Volume Information which is normally hidden in Windows. As were using Linux you wont need to worry about this though, you will find this folder in what would have been the following in windows. C System Volume Information. System Volume Information. Once in the System Volume Information folder you will see another folder called arestorehexidecimal characters. Go in there and you should be presented with a number of different folders with the the following naming convention RP1. It is these folders where Windows should have saved back ups of the system files. To find the most recent one, navigate to the folder with the highest value e. RP2. 95 and go in to that and find the snapshot folder.

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