Suivez lactualit, tlchargements, releases et dossiers tutoriaux de votre console de jeux Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PSP, PS Vita, DS et 3DS. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. SilverStone RVZ01E is an evolution of the groundbreaking RAVEN Z RVZ01, a slim form factor case with tremendous capability. While maintaining the same volume size. The PlayStation 2 PS2 is a home video game console that was developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is the successor to the PlayStation, and is the second. Fixed issues when using more than one external USB HDD on Cobra CFWs 4. Fixed issues with homebrew locksblackscreeninvaliddiscs and other weird. Piratear PS3 PS3. Scene. Beta. com. Piratear PS3. Hoy os vamos a ensear a piratear vuestra PS3, as es, tal y como lo leis. Para que nos vamos a engaar, piratear, es un trmino muy mal visto en todas las webs relacionadas con la scene, pero aqu somos diferentes y os vamos a ensear como ejecutar backups y Homebrews en nuestra PS3 de la manera ms sencilla posible y desde cero. Antes de nada, recordaros que el grupo Scenebeta no da soporte a la piratera, es decir, no es una web dedicada a la descarga gratuita de contenidos de pago relacionados con la PS3 y que puedan infringir los trminos y condiciones de uso de Playstation 3, nosotros simplemente os daremos la informacin y vosotros elegiris que hacer con ella. Si te acabas de comprar una PS3 y quiere saber ms de todo este tema, por favor, sigue leyendo. Qu puedo hacer con mi PS3 no modificada Ni que decir tiene, que la PS3 es una de las consolas ms potentes por no decir la que ms y nos permite realizar gran cantidad de cosas con ella. A note about this page For USB devices, please specify if they required a powered hub. Notes. 19Apr2012 Now that the Model B board is shipping, details added. Grupo Vec Computers SA de CV una empresa fundada hace 20 aos dedicada a la solucin global en el rea de informtica con profesionalismo, calidad y satisfaccin. Discover a wide range of high quality products from Sony and the technology behind them, get instant access to our store and Entertainment Network. Aqu tenemos una lista de esa gran cantidad de cosas Jugar a juegos originales de PS3. Ver fotografas e imgenes en JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF y BMP. Reproducir pelculas en infinidad de formatos, entre ellos, Blu Ray. Escuchar msica. Conectarte con tu PSP. NCp_7SKGIm9dp6eiXnqxVif6AM=/830x467/2010/08/03/c4ad801b-bb7b-11e2-8a8e-0291187978f3/31125412-2-440-overview-1.gif' alt='Install Usb Hdd Ps2 Slim' title='Install Usb Hdd Ps2 Slim' />Ver la televisin. Navegar por la red. Y muchas cosas ms. Dependiendo del firmware y modelo que tengas las caractersticas pueden variar. Para saber como hacer todas estas cosas, simplemente tendris que echarle un ojo al ndice del manual que viene con la PS3 y consultar el punto que os interese. Os aseguro que ms de una vez me ha resuelto las dudas, que no est solo para guardarlo con la garanta. Y qu puedo hacer con mi PS3 modificadaCon una PS3 liberada podremos hacer muchas cosas ms que con una no modificada, aunque nos quitar otras t eliges Puntos a favor USB Dongle Aprovechar todas las opciones mencionadas anteriormente. Ejecutar Homebrew. Cargar backups de tus juegos originales. Jugar a juegos de antiguas consolas. Custom Firmware Aprovechar todas las opciones mencionadas anteriormente. Ejecutar Homebrew. Cargar backups de tus juegos originales. Jugar a juegos de antiguas consolas. Puntos en contra USB Dongle No podrs disfrutar de los servicios exclusivos de PSN jugar online, comprar en la Play. Station. Store. Custom Firmware Los homebrews necesitarn estar firmados para poder ejecutarlos. Como saber el firmware de nuestra consola Lo ms importante para usar un USB Dongle o Custom Firmware es saber nuestra versin, ya que en los USB Dongles necesitamos de alguna manera estar en la versin 3. Custom Firmwares necesitaremos estar en la versin del CFW, es decir si vamos a instalar el CFW 3. Oficial Firmware 3. CFW 3. 4. 1 da igual el que sea necesitaremos estar en el OFW 3. A continuacin os mostramos como saber el firmware de vuestra consola. Debemos ir a Ajustes e ir a Ajustes de sistema 2. Dentro de Ajustes de sistema iremos a Informacin del sistema 3. Aqu obtendremos nuestra versin de firmware en Software de sistema, en mi caso Versin 3. Cual usamos Dependiendo del mtodo que ms nos interese tendremos que piratear nuestra PS3 mediante USB Dongle Qu hago si tengo una versin posterior a la 3. No tendremos otro remedio que utilizar un CFW o hacer un Downgrade con nuestro dongle. Qu es downgradeDowngrade es una palabra inglesa que significa bajar de versin. Por lo tanto en el trmino de nuestra consola quiere decir que bajaremos de la versin que tengamos a la versin 3. Qu necesito para piratear mi PS3 Si ya tenemos un firmware apto para la instalacin de Homebrews  el siguiente paso ser comprar un USB Dongle, un dispositivo que inyectar cdigo en el arranque a la consola y la meter en modo debug, citado anteriormente. Hay dos tipos diferentes de dongles, comerciales y caseros Comerciales Son aquellos que compras en una tienda ya montados y programados. PS3. Go GT Break Dongle de 2 generacin muy elegante. Ms informacin. PS3. Key Clon del original pero con mejor soporte, actualizaciones continas y software para las actualizaciones. Ms informacin. PS3. Break Clon del original y que tambin dispone de un buen soporte aunque se aprovecha de los homebrews de libre desarrollo. Caseros A los pocos das de salir el PSJailbreak primer USB Dongle para PS3, Mathieu Hervais el ms que famoso hacker, consigui el cdigo del PSJailbreak mediante ingeniera inversa y lo liber para todos nosotros con el fin de poder instalarlo de forma manual en una serie de placas controladoras y as hacernos un dongle casero mucho ms barato que uno comercial. Poco a poco, otros hackers muy importantes como el espaol Hermes crearon, modificaron yo actualizaron el payload cdigo para el arranque para muchos ms dispositivos y placas controladoras. PSGroove Payload para algunas placas ATMEL y PIC, su creador es Mathieu. PSFreedom Payload para dispositivos mviles, su creador es Ka. Ka. Ro. To. Qu dongle es el mejor La verdad que todos hacen lo mismo, meter a la consola en modo debug, pero si te interesa la carga de backups lo mejor ser que te compres uno que se est actualizando continuamente o que acepte actualizaciones no oficiales, ya que algunas caractersticas en la carga de backups depende de la versin del payload. Por el contrario, si lo que te interesan son los Homebrews, te dar lo mismo el que comprar ya que todos te servirn igual, sin distincin alguna. Cmo meto a la consola en modo debug Pues una vez que tengamos nuestro dongle, el siguiente paso ser saber usarlo. Todos los dongles funcionan igual y siguen los mismos pasos para funcionar correctamente, depender de si tenemos PS3 Fat o Slim. FAT Apagamos la PS3 desde el interruptor de atrs. Metemos nuestro dongle en un puerto USB. Encendemos la consola desde el mismo interruptor donde la apagamos. Ahora viene la parte difcil, tenemos que pulsar el botn de encendido de la consola y acto seguido el botn eject expulsar disco. Si hemos hecho todo correctamente, se tendra que encender el LED de nuestro dongle que indica que est correctamente conectado, si no es as, repetiremos el proceso. SLIM Desenchufamos el cable de la corriente. Metemos nuestro dongle en el puerto USB. Enchufamos el cable de la corriente. Ahora viene la parte difcil, tenemos que pulsar el botn de encendido de la consola y acto seguido el botn eject expulsar disco. Si hemos hecho todo correctamente, se tendra que encender el LED de nuestro dongle que indica que est correctamente conectado, si no es as, repetiremos el proceso. Como cargo mis backups Para cargar nuestras backups necesitaremos un Backup Loader, con el podremos copiar y cargar backups desde nuestro HDD. Algunos backups loaders incluyen ms opciones que otros, nosotros tendremos que elegir el que ms se acomode a nuestras necesidades. Custom Firmware Qu necesito para piratear mi PS3 Lo primero que necesitis para piratear vuestra PS3 con CFW es descargar un CFW, en PS3. Scene. Beta tenemos varios y podris elegirlos aqu. Nota Si estis algo confusos a la hora de elejir, podis comparar los diversos CFWs que tenemos en PS3, aqu. Hay algn riesgo de brickeo en la consola No, no hay riesgo alguno si seguimos adecuadamente los pasos, aunque especialmente en los Custom Firmwares hay que tener cuidado ya que hay algunos con unas probabilidades de brickeo muy altas. Puedo dejar mi PS3 como estaba o actualizarla despus de haberla pirateadoPS4 Internal Hard Drive Upgrade The Best Options Play. Station 4 Storage Guide. Play. Station aint what it used to be. In most ways, its so much better. While the games of the past were fun, the visuals on modern games are breathtaking and the deep, immersive gameplay is spectacular and practically cinematic. The one caveat with PS4, though, is the fact that these days, we save games on the hard disc drive. And much like your computers hard drive, the space on your PS4s hard drive can quickly whittle away until you have nothing left. Even though a full PS4 hard drive may seem like the end of civilization as you know it when theres a new game you really want to add to your collection, there are solutions you can use to get around this issue, the most common of which is a hard drive upgradereplacement. As enthusiasts, we have to like that Sony shies away from proprietary storage technologies in its gaming consoles. Instead, the company sticks with standard hard drives, making upgrades quick and easy. Back in the day, its PS2 accommodated 3. PATA devices, which sound downright ancient now. The PS3 was compatible with 2. SATA based storage. Today, the Play. Station 4 includes an easy to replace 2. This is a very informative guide that contains valuable pieces of information that covers almost all major aspects of PS4 HDD upgrade. We aspire to making this guide as complete as possible. So, if you have a related issue not addressed here, please notify us, either by commenting below, or contacting us with your issue. Best PS4 HDD Replacement Options. Before we go through this guide and elaborate on its different aspects, I think its better to lay out the best PS4 hard drive upgrades that offer larger storage space, solid performance and high reliability, all that for a reasonable price that wont get you regret for it. The internal hard drives listed below are all compatible with PS4 HDD upgrade standards, so each of them will seamlessly fit into PS4 drive cage and take the place of the stock hard drive without any issue. Probably, one of the major reasons for why you want to replace the stock hard drive of PS4 is the errors occurred by the hard drive after months of playing. This is expected with this old, cheap and obsolete hard drive utilized by PS4 that was authorized to reduce the market price to a competitive level. The good news is that the recommended hard drives below are the newest drives in the market as of today means the latest storage technologies have been implied that improve performance and reliability, and they are backed by a long warranty 3 5 years which indicates their high reliability that will protect you from any potential mechanical errorfailure in the future for an extensive time. Just remember that if you want to learn more on the whole topic, go through this guide to learn how to upgradereplace the internal hard drive of PS4 with a new drive, the benefits of upgrading PS4 HDD, alternative options available to expand the PS4 system storage, and much much more, to the extent that youll finish this guide knowing exactly what you need for your game console storage. PS4 2tb Hard Drive Upgrade. Upgrading PS4 hard drive to 2tb has been, for years now, the most popular option among the overwhelming majority of PS4 fanboys. Its not only because of the vast storage space the 2tb capacity offers, but also because the best 2. PS4 comes in that capacity, and that is Seagate Firecuda 2tb SSHD. Its worth to note that since a few years, the HDD manufacturers have lost interest in developing 2. PS4 drive cage except Seagate. Because the focus for 2. SSDs. Therefore, Seagate is your only choice for a PS4 2tb hard drive upgrade. Seagate Firecuda ST2. LX0. 01 is our top choice for PS4. Although its specifically classified as a solid state hybrid drive SSHD, it belongs to the general category of hard drives. The primary concept of an SSHD is to combine the technology of mechanical hard drives and that of an SSD into one place. That way the SSHD guarantees the capacious, low price storage space of HDD and the blazing speed of SSD at a minimal cost. Therefore, it features a good compromise for space, speed and price. Every hard drive has a caching memory cache buffer whichs an embedded memory in a hard disk drive HDD acting as a buffer between the rest of the computer and the physical hard disk platter that is used for storage. Its used to accelerate the data transfer speed between the CPU and the hard drive. Therefore, the larger this memory, the faster the drive is. In SSHD, in addition to the cache buffer, theres a 2nd tier caching memory that utilizes a much larger portion of SSD in order to increase the data transfer speed to much higher levels, that, although cannot match the speed of a mere SSD, will significantly increase the performance of the drive. This nifty drive is backed by an industry best 5 year limited warranty. A warranty that beats most competitive drive warranties by up to 2 or 3 years. The cutting edge has never felt so safe. Basic Features. 2. SSD memory 2nd tierSlim design7mm z height. SATA III interface. You can read more on this drive in the Seagate Firecuda 2tb SSHD review. Alternatively, you can get a complete upgrade kit like Fantom Drives PS4 Hard Drive Upgrade Kit that includes, in addition to the above drive, everything you need for a seamless upgrade process. Alternative Options. If, for any reason, you dont like to opt for an SSHD, you can go for a traditional hard drive like the one laid out below. Its exactly the same drive as above with all features except that it doesnt have a 2nd tier SSD caching plus the warranty is only 2 years. After this point theres no other drive we can recommend. We stated already that all of the 2tb capacity hard drives are manufactured by Seagate only, so other options in hands are just obsolete models like Seagate Mobile HDD and Seagate Spin. Point M9. T. You may want to read with deeper details on upgrading PS4 HDD to this specific storage capacity. If so, please view our article PS4 2tb Hard Drive Upgrade Guide The Best Options. PS4 4tb Hard Drive Upgrade. The 4tb storage size comes second in popularity after 2tb. Most users would love to go for it if they have a shared console with a few family members or close friends, or they need that vast space to store movies internally, especially after Sony has allowed it eventually. It might not be a good news to some users to know that theres no direct PS4 HDD upgrade to 4tb, unlike the case with 2tb, because theres no 4tb hard drive that fits into the drive cage of PS4. But still, theres a workaround for that. Theres an accessoryadd on called Data Bank that allows you to incorporate a 3. PS4 without any issue at all. For more information and elaborated details on upgrading PS4 4tb hard drive, please read PS4 4tb Storage Capacity Guide The Best Options. PS4 6tb Hard Drive Upgrade. No PS4 fanboy would want to go for 6tb hard drive unless they have very exceptional needs and high storage requirements. Like you need it for storing heavyweight movie files, or, for some reasons, you want to install huge heaps of applications and games, then 6tb of storage space can meet your needs. Just like the case with all capacities larger than 2tb, upgrading the internal hard drive of PS4 to 6tb requires that Data Bank add on alongside a 3. There are also other PS4 HDD upgrade methods you might want to learn to see which one suits your needs the most. How To Install Network Printer In Vmware Esxi.

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