Nostradamus Predictions About the Trump Presidency. Nostradamus Predictions for Modern Era. There are many shock claims about what Nostradamus predicts for our future. The most recent is that  Donald Trumps audacious election as president of the United States may herald the end of the world. Nostradamus experts are claiming that the 1. Century III, Quatrain 8. The great shameless, audacious bawler. Lupin III Farewell to Nostradamus Japanese, Hepburn Rupan sansei Kutabare Nosutoradamusu, lit. Documentary Life Inside The Maximum Security Prison In The US Lost Lives Behind The Bars Duration 5148. Watch Now 10,706,655 views. Features a book by an astrologer and prophet on upcoming events. He will be elected governor of the army The boldness of his contention. The bridge broken, the city faint from fear. Trump it is said fits the description of the  shameless, audacious bawler because of his loud rhetoric, reckless accusations and aggressive stance. Many compare him to Benito Mussolini who was the leader of Italys National Fascist Party, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1. Some believe that Trump is the reincarnation of Mussolini though this is not revealed in the prophecies of Nostradamus. More NostradamusTrump predictions on my new video Trump president he is the governor of the army leading the worlds leading military force. It is his finger that could press the red button that could launch WW3. In Century 1, 4. Nostradamus prediction says The false trumpet concealing madness will cause Byzantium to change its laws. We have the word trumpet here of course. Byzantium was built as the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire but before this was an Ancient Greek colony. The argument says that this refers to the fact that Greece has become the entry point for immigrants and refugees, which is a central theme of Trumps candidacy. Trump says I will build a great wall and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me and Ill build them very inexpensively. Nostradamus writes in Quatrain 5. Republic of the big city will engage in costly military operations, ordered by the trumpet. Could this be referring to a huge costly war that Trump will initiateI think it is likely that Trump will be engaged in War possibly with Russia initially as an allies. I have said in my predictions that Syria will be partitioned probably by American and Russian agreement with the additional help from Turkey. I dont however believe it will lead to full scale nuclear war. More about Donald Trump Predictions. Nostradamus Lost Book Drawings' title='Nostradamus Lost Book Drawings' />Did the Bulgarian seer Baba Vanga foresee President Donald Trump In this video Craig discusses the strange predictions of Baba Vanga and how they may have come true. DID NOSTRADAMUS FORESEE ISIS One interesting theory is that ISIS is predicted in quadrant Q 8 7. Il entrera vilain, meschant, infame,Tyrannisant la Mesopotamie Tous amys faits dadulterine dame,Tertre horrible noir de phisonomie. Nostradamus Lost BooksTranslation He will enter wicked, unpleasant, infamous,Tyrannizing over Mesopotamia All friends made by the adulterous lady,Land dreadful and black of aspect. Could this refer to ISIS Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Mesopotamia is the old name for the region that includes Syria, Iraq and Turkey. The man so cruel wicked and infamous could refer to the leader of ISIS who was certainly infamous and unpleasant. What is most interesting is the reference the adulterous lady. Some have interpreted this as the Egyptian goddess Isis the Goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom. She was married to her brother so her relationship to her husband could be considered adulterous. Also they claim the  Land dreadful and black of aspect. May be a reference to the flag of ISIS which is black. Some interesting ideas but whether this is stretching to point is open for debate in the comment section. It says Land not flag and talks of Tyrannizing over Mesopotamia but what about Paris Surely Nostradamus a Frenchman would have seen the importance of ISIS in these world events and terrorist attacks at the heart of his homeland Craigs New Book About the Future of the World In this book I reveal the secrets of the Indian Naadi Oracle that tells me that new spiritual knowledge will be revealed to me by the godswhich I initially interpreted as my mediumshipand from studying the Naadis, learning astrology, and knowledge given directly by meeting living rishis. The Naadi is like the Indian version of Nostradamus and may reveal things that confirm and expand upon what Nostradamus has foreseen. MORE INFO HEREFamous Nostradamus Predictions. Article by Craig Hamilton Parker. How would St John the divine, Nostradamus or Mother Shipton, have interpreted visions of the two world wars, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Vietnam or Desert Storm Is it possible to make predictions for the future of the world from so long ago The scale and complexity of these modern events to someone living just a hundred years ago would have been incomprehensible. A nuclear bomb would look like a world on fire, squadrons of helicopters would look like plagues of locusts and how would an ancient seer interpret the extermination camps at Belsen or the Killing Fields of CambodiaIt would look as if the world had come to an end. Similarly who is the King of Terror that Nostradamus mentionsNostradamus Lost BookNostradamus Lost Book PredictionsBlog, books and media on Nostradamus, global warming, prophecy, politics, and the science of meditation and evolution. Nostradamus Enigmas Assassins Creed Unity This page contains the locations of and solutions to all of the Nostradamus Enigma puzzles in Assassins. Could this in fact be a terrorist Below are some of the most famous predictions for the future of the world. Historys most acclaimed prophet, Nostradamus, saw the arrival of three antichrists that would plague mankind. But who are they When will they come and what. I would be interested to know what readers think of these and whether these seers from the past could possibly have made truly accurate predictions for the future of the world NOSTRADAMUS AND WORLD WAR 2. During WW2 Churchill and Hitler both used quotes from the prophecies of Nostradamus in propaganda leaflets. And both interpreted the quadrants for their own political purposes. Today there are many new interpretations of his prophecies of Nostradamus that continue to hit the best seller lists. Clearly, prophecies can be interpreted in many different ways. In his own time Nostradamus made many very clear predictions that came true to the letter, however his later predictions appear to be incorrect. If you read some of the best sellers from ten years ago they warn that 1. They were wrong. Nonetheless, many prophecies have come true and my own work as a medium and the hundreds of letters I receive from readers of my psychic columns suggest that it is possible to foresee the future. Theres too much evidence to prove that the future can be foretold. Nostradamus Lost Book' title='Nostradamus Lost Book' />Nostradamus Lost Book PropheciesMy understanding is that what we see are glimpses of a possible future. We see the future in an embryonic stage. The future is like a landscape. What we see in prophetic dreams and clairvoyance are the roads and pathways ahead. We can travel across that landscape in anyway we please. We may choose a hard road, or an easy road to travel. If we see an obstacle we can travel over it or move around it. Destiny is like the landscape, our journey is our free will and our prophecies of the future are maps that guide us. Theres more about how Hitler and other world leaders refered to Nostradamus during World War IIWAR IN IRAN THE MIDDLE EAST In 1. I was able to ask his spirit guide about the future of the world and if there would be an apocalypse. The guide told me that the biggest threat to mankind would be the environment. He said that there would there would however be a number of serious conflicts in the Middle East following an economic world crisis and that we would have troubles from Iraq and Iran. Voyager Timeshare Program Reviews there. We would be brought to the brink of nuclear conflict but the countries of the world would come together to save the situation. This was way before there was a likelihood of Western engagement in the Middle East and before the first war with Iraq.

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