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Bible a text from Paul resolves the crisis the conversion is a. Alypius also makes his decision, and the two inform the rejoicing Monica. O my God, let me remember with gratitude and confess to thee thy mercies toward me. Let my bones be bathed in thy love, and let them say Lord, who is like unto. Thou hast broken my bonds in sunder, I will offer unto thee the sacrifice of. And how thou didst break them I will declare, and all who worship. Blessed be the Lord in heaven and. Thy words had stuck fast in my breast, and I was hedged round about by thee on every. Of thy eternal life I was now certain, although I had seen it through a glass. And I had been relieved of all doubt that there is an incorruptible. Nor did I any longer crave. But as for my temporal life, everything was uncertain, and my heart had to be purged of. The Way the Saviour himself pleased me well, but as yet. I was reluctant to pass through the strait gate. And thou didst put it into my mind, and it seemed good in my own sight, to go to. Simplicianus, who appeared to me a faithful servant of thine, and thy grace shone forth in. I had also been told that from his youth up he had lived in entire devotion to thee. He was already an old man, and because of his great age, which he had passed in such a. From all his experience, I desired him to tell me setting before. I did to. walk in thy way. For I saw the Church full and one man was going this way and another that. Still, I. could not be satisfied with the life I was living in the world. Now, indeed, my passions. For, compared with thy sweetness and the beauty of thy. I loved those things delighted me no longer. But I was still tightly. But I was weak and chose the easier way, and for this single reason my whole life was. I was. compelled even though unwilling to agree to a married life which bound me hand and. I had heard from the mouth of Truth that there are eunuchs who have made. Kingdom of Heavens sake2. He that. is able to receive it, let him receive it. Of a certainty, all men are vain who do. God, or have not been able, from the good things that are seen. But I was no longer fettered in that vanity. I had surmounted it. Creator, and thy. Word God with thee, and together with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God by whom thou. There is still another sort of wicked men, who when they. God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful. Into this also. I had fallen, but thy right hand held me up and bore me away, and thou didst place me. I might recover. For thou hast said to men, Behold the fear of the Lord, this. Be not wise in your own eyes,2. But I had now found. I ought to have sold all that I had and bought it yet I. I went, therefore, to Simplicianus, the spiritual father of Ambrose then a bishop. Ambrose truly loved as a father. I recounted to him all the mazes of my wanderings. I mentioned to him that I had read certain books of the Platonists which. Victorinus formerly professor of rhetoric at Rome, who died a Christian, as I had been. Latin, Simplicianus congratulated me that I had not fallen. Platonists, at. every turn, the pathway led to belief in God and his Word. Then, to encourage me to copy the humility of Christ, which is hidden from the wise and. Victorinus himself, whom he had known intimately at. Rome. And I cannot refrain from repeating what he told me about him. For it contains a. Roman Forum which men of this world esteem a great honor this man who, up to an. Rome were wedded and who had inspired the people with. Osiris andThe dog Anubis, and a medley crew. Of monster gods who gainst Neptune stand in arms Gainst Venus and Minerva, steel clad Mars,2. Rome once conquered, and now worshiped all of which old Victorinus had with. Christ, a babe at thy font, bowing his neck to the yoke of humility. O Lord, Lord, who didst bow the heavens and didst descend, who didst touch the. He used to read the Holy Scriptures, as Simplicianus said, and thought out and. Christian writings most studiously. Netscape Navigator Source Code more. He said to Simplicianus not openly. You must know that I am a Christian. To which. Simplicianus replied, I shall not believe it, nor shall I count you among the. Christians, until I see you in the Church of Christ. Victorinus then asked, with. Is it then the walls that make Christians Thus he often would. Christian, and as often Simplicianus made the same answer. He was fearful of offending his. Babylonian dignity, as from the. Lebanon which the Lord had not yet broken down, he feared that a. But he steadily gained strength from reading and inquiry, and came to fear lest he. Christ before the holy angels if he now was afraid to confess him. Thus he came to appear to himself guilty of a great fault, in being ashamed of. Word, when he was not ashamed of the sacrilegious. From this he became bold faced against vanity and shamefaced toward the truth. Thus. suddenly and unexpectedly, he said to Simplicianus as he himself told me Let. I wish to become a Christian. Simplicianus went with him. He was admitted to the first sacraments of. At this Rome marveled and the Church rejoiced. The proud saw and were. But the Lord God was thy servants hope. Finally, when the hour arrived for him to make a public profession of his faith. Rome those who are about to enter into thy grace make from a platform in the full. Victorinus the chance to make his profession more privately, for this was the. But Victorinus chose. For there was no. Why, then. should he shrink from naming thy Word before the sheep of thy flock, when he had not. So, then, when he ascended the platform to make his profession, everyone, as they. Who was there. among them that did not know him And a low murmur ran through the mouths of all the. Victorinus Victorinus There was a sudden burst of. He. pronounced the true faith with an excellent boldness, and all desired to take him to their. And they. received him with loving and joyful hands. O good God, what happens in a man to make him rejoice more at the salvation of a. For thou also, O most merciful. Father, dost rejoice more over one that repents than over ninety and nine just. And we listen with much delight whenever we. And the joy of the solemn festival of. For it is thou who. For thou art ever. What, then, happens in the soul when it takes more delight at finding or having. Indeed, many. other things bear witness that this is so all things are full of witnesses, crying out. So it is. The commander triumphs in victory yet he could not have conquered. The storm tosses the voyagers, threatens shipwreck, and everyone turns pale in. Then the sky and sea grow calm, and they rejoice as much as they. A loved one is sick and his pulse indicates danger all who desire his safety. Indeed, the very pleasures of human life not only those which rush upon us unexpectedly. There is no pleasure in caring and drinking unless the pains of hunger and.

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