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About this game The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind Game of the Year Edition includes Morrowind plus all of the content from the Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansions. The original Mod Construction Set is not included in this package. An epic, open ended single player RPG, Morrowind allows you to create and play any kind of character imaginable. You can choose to follow the main storyline and find the source of the evil blight that plagues the land, or set off on your own to explore strange locations and develop your character based on their actions throughout the game. Featuring stunning 3. D graphics, open ended gameplay, and an incredible level of detail and interactivity, Morrowind offers a gameplay experience like no other. In Tribunal, you journey to the capital city of Morrowind, called Mournhold, to meet the other two god kings of Morrowind, Almalexia and Sotha Sil. Your journey will lead you to the Clockwork City of Sotha Sil and massive, epic sized dungeons, where strange and deadly creatures await you, including goblins, lich lords, and the mysterious Fabricants. Bloodmoon takes you to the frozen Island of Solstheim where youll experience snow, blizzards, and new creatures, including frost trolls, ice minions, and wolves just to name a few. Youll have a choice of stories to follow and have the opportunity to defend the colony, take control over how the colony is built up, and eliminate the werewolves. Or, you can decide to join the werewolves and become one of them, opening up a whole new style of gameplay. Key features Players can take their existing Morrowind characters and save games and continue their adventures in the Morrowind Got. Y edition Adds up to 8. Morrowind players Explore the forests, caves, and snow covered wastelands of the island of Solstheim Delve into new, epic sized dungeons and visit the Capital City of Mournhold and the Clockwork City of Sotha Sil Fight new creatures including bears and wolves, lich lords and goblins, ice minions and spriggans Direct the construction of a mining colony and face the threat of savage werewolves Become a werewolf and indulge your thirst for the hunt New armor and weapons including Nordic Mail and Ice blades FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTSThe Elder Scrolls III Morrowind GOTY Edition. Blood on the Ice The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim The quest, Blood on the Ice, is one of the Side Quests in Skyrim. This side quest takes place entirely. The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind Game of the Year Edition includes Morrowind plus all of the content from the Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansions. An epic, open ended single player RPG, Morrowind allows you to create and play any kind of character imaginable. You can choose to follow the main storyline and find the source of the evil blight that plagues the land, or set off on your own to explore strange locations and develop your character based on their actions throughout the game. Featuring stunning 3. D graphics, open ended gameplay, and an incredible level of detail and interactivity, Morrowind offers a gameplay experience like no other. More info here http www. Installation Full game without DRM. No serial code needed. Run or Double click setuptesmorrowindgoty2. Play and enjoy If you like this game, support the developers and BUY ITBlood on the Ice The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Wiki Guide. The quest, Blood on the Ice, is one of the Side Quests in Skyrim. This side quest takes place entirely within the city of Windhelm. It can be available once your character has visited the city a certain minimum number of times, either by fast travel or by simply leaving and returning through the front gate, and begins when the player enters the graveyard district near the Temple of Arkay. A Windhelm city guard who is watching over the aftermath of a recent homicide there will halt the players progress to inquire if your character has seen anyone suspicious fleeing the scene. When the player enters the graveyard district, there will be a city guard and a few NPC characters standing near the scene of a grisly murder. A young woman lies dead, and is being tended to by the Priestess of Arkay under the watchful eye of the guard. If the player speaks to the guard and asks what happened, the guard will mention that this seems to be just the latest in a string of murders with the same modus operandi that have been taking place in Windhelm of late, but nobody has been able to witness the culprit and the city guards are spread too thin to be able to invetigate. This is where the player comes in. Ask the guard if they need help with the investigation, and the guard agrees as long as permission is obtained from the Jarls assistant before you go snooping around. The Jarls assistant can be found within the Palace of the Kings, the keep in Windhelm wherein Ulfric Stormcloak presides and coordinates the Stormcloak Rebellion with his military advisors. During the day he is often nearby the Jarls throne, but by night he may be found sleeping on a bedroll in the keeps kitchen just off the throne room. Speak to him, and he gives you permission to proceed, pledging both his support and that of the city guards if needed. With permission granted, head back outside to speak to the guard in the graveyard again. He or she will ask you to interrogate the witnesses who are standing nearby, none of whom can give you any useful information about the murderer. Speak to the guard again and relate the lack of any findings, and he or she will confirm that this is typically what has happened for all of the previous murders. The guard suggests that the player speak with the Priestess of Arkay in order to learn if any details about the condition that the bodies were found in might offer any clues about the murderer, and also  warns that the Priestess is a strange oneEdit. Body of Evidence. Enter the catacombs of the Hall of the Dead and find within the Priestess, who is already engaged in preparing the body for its eternal rest. Aside from a bit of gallows humor, she also imparts the details of the victims wounds, which were inflicted by a curved blade not unlike that of one of the embalming tools she uses frequently herself. Outside of her own line of work, she has only ever seen such a tool used by necromancers. While interesting, this revelation doesnt quite provide any new leads, so exit the Hall of the Dead to search for more clues. Outside once more, the murder scene confronts you with more evidence  the victims blood is pooled not only where the body was found, but also several large smears of it leading away from the area. Following it, you arrive at the doorstep of an abandoned house, its front door firmly locked. At this point, if your Lockpicking. Skill is high enough you may attempt to pick the lock otherwise you will need to speak to several different NPCs around town in order to acquire the key. Either way, enter the abandoned house to continue your search. Upon entering the house, you quickly note the presence of cobwebs and a thick layer of dust on its interior surfaces it appears that nobody has been here in a long time. Upon closer inspection though, you notice another trail of blood smears leading to a small chest that has been pushed up against the far left wall. It too bears spatters of blood on its surface, and within you find a number of pamphlets warning of the night creature its author, a local woman known as Viola, calls The Butcher, along with a journal. Read the journal, and it speaks of the horrible intentions of its owner. In it is described a motive behind the murders, which is that the killer is collecting body parts for some nefarious purpose. This is one seriously disturbed individual Moving farther into the house, you notice a wardrobe and a bookcase on the far wall, and another wardrobe to your right as you enter a small alcove. The wardrobe yields only a few articles of clothing, but the bookcase next to it has several more of the pamphlets you encountered in the chest, as well as a strange amulet lying beneath them. As you examine the other wardrobe, it reveals a false back that can be opened, leading into a secret room filled with the bloody, skeletal remains of prior victims strewn about the floor. An operation table sits in the center, its surface marred with congealed blood, and to its left is a set of shelves bearing the implements with which these bodies were dissected. Upon one of the shelves is another journal, this one just as graphic as the previous one and further detailing the owners intention to use the collected body parts in some sort of necromantic ritual. Furthermore, it indicates that its owner doesnt quite have all the components needed, necessitating yet another murder, and soonHaving gathered these key pieces of evidence, youre now done here. With all of this evidence in hand, head back outside and speak with the first city guard you see. Ask about the strange amulet and youll be directed to speak with a Windhelm resident who operates a sort of curio shop, and who might know more about it because of his known interest in items such as this. Ask about the pamphlets, and the guard will tell you that its author has been at this leaflet campaign for months, ever since the murders started, ostensibly to raise awareness of the dangers but instead is viewed as somewhat of a nuisance by both the city guard and the local populace. Speak to the curio shop owner and hell tell you that the amulet is one typically carried by the Jarls court wizard, and offers to buy it off you for 5. Note This is very easiy to miss and if you did not grab the amulet the game will skip over this portion of the quest. Doing so you will break the quest, and it will end with you incriminating the court wizard You may agree to sell it to him or keep it either way you still have another lead to follow up. Speak to the old woman Viola about her pamphlets, and she tells you that when the present court wizard first arrived in Windhelm, it was amid speculation that he had been involved with necromancy while at the College of Winterhold. Perhaps you should have a chat with him and let him explain Meanwhile, she decides she wants to see the secret room for herself and asks you to meet her there later. At this point, the quest can continue in one of two ways. Either return to the Jarls assistant and name the court wizard as the murderer, or speak with the wizard to hear his side of the story and possibly lead you elsewhere. If you accuse the wizard of murder, he is subsequently hauled away in irons to the keeps prison to await trial but soon afterward there is another murder with the same calling card.

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