On Monday, we learned that Microsoft was killing off the iconic Microsoft Paint program after 32 years and replacing it with Paint 3D in its upcoming Windows 10 update. How to Install iOS 11 Manually with IPSW Firmware and iTunes. How to Install Custom Firmware on PSP 1000 and PSP 2000. Install CFW on PSP 1000 Phat. Install CFW on PSP 2000 Slim. Custom Firmware on PSP 1000. Custom Firmware on. Licensing VPX Mac Address. To license a NetScaler VPX appliance, you will need its MAC address. Go to the Configuration tab. In the right pane, look down for the. Net. Scaler 1. 1. System Configuration Carl Stalhood. Navigation Recently Updated. VPX Hardware. Net. Scaler VPX Release 1. VPX models on ESXi. These new models include VPX 2. VPX 5. G, VPX 2. 5G, etc. See the Net. Scaler VPX datasheet for more info. Net. Scaler VPX Release 1. NIC type to VMXNET3 or SR IOV. The imported appliance comes with E1. XkllIHi_n0/VwtsXIzwrOI/AAAAAAADByI/nOre9Ki4BP8OVJa3NcjrZN1UY2ZA1FLNA/s1600/Screenshot_2016-04-11-00-56-48.png' alt='How To Install E Great Firmware Update' title='How To Install E Great Firmware Update' />NICs so youll have to remove all of the existing virtual NICs and add new VMXNET3 NICs. Power On VPX and configure NSIPAfter swapping out the NICs to VMXNET3, power on the Net. Scaler VPX appliance. Configure the management IP from the VMs console. Then point your browser to the management IP using either http or https and login as nsroot with password nsroot. Auto Provision IP Address. When importing VPX into a hypervisor, you can use VM advanced configuration parameters to set the NSIP. See CTX1. 28. 25. How to Auto Provision Net. Scaler VPX Appliance on a VMware ESX or ESXi Host, and CTX1. How To Auto Provision Net. Scaler VPX on Xen. Server. Customer User Experience Improvement Program. You might be prompted to enable the Customer User Experience Improvement Program. Either click Enable, or click Skip. You can also enable or disable the Customer Experience Improvement Program by going to System Settings. On the right is Change CUXIP Settings. Make your selection and click OK. See http www. carlstalhood. CEIP is enabled. set system parameter doppler ENABLEDWelcome Wizard. Net. Scaler has a WelcomeWizard that lets you set the NSIP, hostname, DNS, licensing, etc. It appears automatically the first time you login. Click the Subnet IPAddress box. If you ever need to restore stock firmware on your Samsung Galaxy Note 3, here is a guide that will help you install the original firmware. However, there are a few. Chinese manufacturer DJI has announced that owners of its Spark drone have until September 1st to update their firmware to the latest version or be totally locked out. SecureFileStore::getFile&f=/thumb/a/ab/PrivacyMask1.png/800px-PrivacyMask1.png' alt='How To Install E Great Firmware Update' title='How To Install E Great Firmware Update' />You can either enter a SNIP for one of your production interfaces, or you can click Do it later, and add SNIPs later after you configure Port Channels and VLANs. Note If you have a dedicated management network, to prevent it from being used for outgoing traffic, dont put a SNIP on it. SNIPClick the Host Name, DNS IP Address, and Time. Zone box. Enter a hostname. Your Net. Scaler Gateway Universal licenses are allocated to this hostname. In a High Availability pair each node can have a different hostname. You typically create a DNS record that resolves the hostname to the NSIP management IP. Enter one or more DNS Server IP addresses. Use the plus icon on the right to add more servers. Change the time zone to GMT 0. CDT AmericaChicago or similar. Click Done. set ns hostname ns. Server 1. 0. 2. 2. GMT 0. 5 0. 0 CDT AmericaChicagoClick Yes to save and reboot. Click the Licenses box. On the far right side of the screen, youll see the Host ID. Youll need this to allocate your licenses at citrix. See below for detailed instructions on how to allocate the license to this Host ID. On the left, select Upload license files, and click Browse. Browse to the license file, open it, and click Reboot when prompted. After the reboot and logging in, a box will pop up showing you the installed license. Also look in the top left corner to make sure it doesnt say Net. 16 Tenses In English Grammar Pdf And Word on this page. Scaler VPX 1. The number in the parentheses should match the MPX or VPX model number. License files are stored in nsconfiglicense. Licensing VPX Mac Address. To license a Net. Scaler VPX appliance, you will need its MAC address. Go to the Configuration tab. In the right pane, look down for the Host Id field. This is the MAC address you need for license allocation. Another option is to SSH to the appliance and run shell. Then run lmutil lmhostid. The MAC address is returned. Licensing Citrix. Login to http mycitrix. On the left, click All Licensing Tools. On the right, in the top right horizontal menu, click Activate and Allocate Licenses. If you are activating an eval license, click Dont see your product near the top, and enter the eval license key. Otherwise, check the box next to a Citrix Net. Scaler. VPX or MPX license, and click Continue. If this is a Net. Scaler MPX license then there is no need to enter a host ID for this license. Continue. If this is a Net. Scaler VPX license, enter the VPX MAC address into the Host ID field. Its not obvious, but you can enter text in this drop down field. If you have more than one VPX license, change the Quantity field to 1, and then click Continue. For a VPX appliance, you can get the Host ID by looking at the System Information page. Click the System node to see this page. Click Confirm. Click OK when asked to download the license file. Click Download. Click Save and put it somewhere where you can get to it later. If you are running Net. Scaler 1. 1. 1 build 5. Net. Scaler Gateway Universal Licenses are already included in your Net. Scaler platform license. Net. Scaler Standard comes with 5. Gateway Universal, Net. Scaler Enterprise comes with 1,0. Gateway Universal, and Net. Scaler Platinum comes with unlimited Gateway Universal. If you need more Gateway Universal licenses on your Net. Scaler, you can allocate them now. These licenses can come from Xen. Mobile Enterprise, Xen. AppXen. Desktop Platinum Edition, Net. Scaler Platinum Edition, or a la carte. Enter your appliance hostname as the Host ID for all licenses. If you have two appliances in a HA pair, allocate these licenses to the first appliance hostname, then reallocate them to the second appliance hostname. Click Confirm. Click OK when prompted to download your license file. Click Download. Click Save. If you have two appliances in a High Availability pair with different hostnames then you will need to return the Net. Scaler Gateway Universal licenses and reallocate them to the other hostname. The top right horizontal menu bar has a Reallocate option. Install Licenses on Appliance. If you havent already installed licenses on your appliance, then do the following In the Net. Scaler Configuration GUI, on the left, expand System and click Licenses. On the top right, click Manage Licenses. Click Add New License. If you have a license file, select Upload license files from a local computer and then click Browse. Select the license file and click Open. License files are stored in nsconfiglicense. Click Reboot when prompted. Login after the reboot. After rebooting, the Licenses node should look something like this. Notice that Maximum ICA Users Allowed is set to Unlimited. Maximum Net. Scaler Gateway Users Allowed will vary depending on your Net. Scaler Edition. Note the Net. Scaler SNMP counter allnictotrxmbits must remain less than the licensed bandwidth or packets will drop. Upgrade Firmware. Citrix CTX2. 20. 37. Must Read Articles Before and After Upgrading Net. Scaler. Citrix CTX1. How to Upgrade Software of the Net. Scaler Appliances in a High Availability Setup. Download firmware. Ask your Citrix Partner or Citrix Support TRM for recommended versions and builds. At the very least, watch the Security Bulletins to determine which versions and builds resolve security issues. You can also subscribe to the Security Bulletins at http support. Alerts bell link on the top right after logging in. Make sure you Save the config before beginning the upgrade. Transferring the firmware upgrade file to the appliance will be slow unless you license the appliance first. An unlicensed appliance will reduce the maximum speed to 1 Mbps. When upgrading from 1. Net. Scaler Gateway Theme is set to Default or Green Bubbles. After the upgrade, youll have to create a new Portal Theme and bind it to the Gateway v. Servers. Start with the Secondary appliance. Before upgrading the appliance, consider using Win. SCP or similar to back up the flashnsconfig directory. GODOX G1 Firmware Update Software Now Available. Godox have released the much anticipated new G1 firmware update software, which very much simplifies user firmware update procedures. The G1 software now supports Windows 1. Windows 8. 1 6. 4bit,Windows 7 3. Windows XP 3. 2bit or 6. The G1 firmware update software, and new firmware update files are available now from the Godox Download Page. NOTE Firmware files downloaded using the Internet Explorer browser are for some reason changed to a. If your system can not extract compressed. Free 7 Zip software can extract. NOTE Before connecting the device strobe or radio trigger etc to your computer via a PC sync cord, its important to make sure the flash or trigger is turned OFF first. Its also important to follow Godoxs instructions on draining any remaining power from the device where needed, before connecting to the computer CHECKING FIRMWARE VERSION INSTALLEDGodox use various methods to access and display the firmware version currenly installed on their flashes and radio triggers X1. T Turn device OFF. Hold the MODE button, and turn the device ON. Firmware version is displayed. X1. R Turn device OFF. Hold the GR button, and turn the device ON. Firmware version is displayed. XT 3. 2 Turn device OFF. Hold the MODE button, and turn the device ON. Firmware version is displayed. V8. 60 Turn flash OFF. Hold the Fn button, and turn the device ON. Firmware version is displayed. V8. 60. II TT6. Press the C. Fn button and the firmware version is displayed at the top right corner. AD3. 60. IIPress the C. Fn button and the firmware version is displayed at the top right corner. AD6. 00. B AD6. BM Press the Menu button and the firmware version is displayed at the top right corner. If all else fails, each products Instruction Manual should detail how the firmware version can be accessed. Discussion around issues with Godoxs original firmware updated software and procedures can be seen here. Hopefully most of that information will no longer be needed, though some of the tips for Apple users etc may still be of interest. Godox Firmware Updates English Website. Godox Firmware Updates Chinese Website.

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